This manga series is about a young man named Kurusu Kimihito. He was involuntarily put into a government program that put monster girls with humans and their families. Kurusu’s life was never the same again. His Monster Girl’s names were Miia, Papi, Centorpa, Slime Girl, Meron Lorelei, & Rachel. These Monster Girls twisted & turned poor Kurusu’s life upside down.
The troubles and adventures they cause him range from all of the Monster Girls wanting to breed with and marry Kurusu, fights between the Monster Girls, Kurusu having to help Miia (a Lamia, or Snake Girl) when she molts, to the Monster Girls trying to run their own maid cafe. My favorite scene was this one in volume 4. It was cute to see the Monster Girls doing their best to put on the maid cafe. This part of the book really made me smile.
These four manga show one guy trying his best to make the Monster Girl’s lives as good as he can even as they turn his world upside down. I am very much looking forward to see what happens in the next four volumes.