This Battle Angel Alita story is full of lost love, sorrow, and rebirth. Alita has to deal with her first loss of someone she loves and this fills her with a deep sorrow. These feelings make her turn her back on the new life that the Doctor gave her to be reborn into a Motor Ball warrior.
This story made me look at my life and the times that I have gone through sorrow, loss, and rebirth, just as Alita goes through in this book. Her loss happened when she lost her boyfriend as he and his family were trying to make it up to Zalem, the city in the sky. I felt this type of loss when I lost my dad. I had to try to tie up the loose ends he left me to deal with . The sorrow Alita felt was that she was not sure what to do with the remains of her life. She knew that she couldn’t keep living life the same way she had been. I really felt as she did. I knew that the way I was living my life before my dad died had come to an end, and I had to think how I was going to move forward from this point. The rebirth for Alita’s life was when she chose to be a Motor Ball Warrior, and with her new friends she was able to move forward. Like Alita I had to re-learn some skills I knew I needed to survive and to live alone in my house with no one at my home to greet me. But my old friends, new friends, help from counselors, and my new cat have helped me to keep moving forward.
This story shows that even the small things you do that affect people’s lives make a difference, and when those things are gone people can fall apart and be filled with sadness and unsure feelings. Alita made the Doctor feel like this when Alita did not come back home and disappeared from his life, making him feel sadness, loneliness, and depression. He wandered around the bad parts of town looking for her and not caring about himself. His driving force was just to find Alita and bring her back home with him no matter what it took, even if he had to break her spirit so she will come back to him like a lost little girl.
I will say about the overall story is that no matter how much you try to forget your past it will come back to get you if you do not face it and deal with it. I had to learn that the hard way just like Alita did. You can make a pact with God or a deal with the Devil. Alita learned that in the end that she had to make BIG CHOICES, like we all do. If you don’t, you can regret it for the rest of your life and beyond!!!